Top 10 Problems Most Business Owners Struggle With
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference. Over the last 2 years, I have been working with business owners to help them overcome these challenges but first I had to overcome them myself! I had to learn how to show up as an epic leader for myself and as a result, my business started flowing. Here are the top 10 things I have learnt.
1) You have to value feedback
Feedback fucking hurts at the beginning and I found that I took it on personally and didn't take on the good in it. I then had a coaching session with my coach and we uncovered that when I got feedback from someone I made it mean that I wasn't good enough at that thing. I couldn't see that the person was only trying to help me improve and not destroy my soul! I learnt to ask myself "what is the growth value in this?". I upgraded up my mindset and it radically transformed my results because I was always asking for feedback and implementing it to serve my clients on a whole new level each time.
2) Nip that procrastination in the bud!
When you don't have a clear plan or vision it is easy to stray off and next minute later its Thursday and you haven't got any leads in the door... What I found was that I was missing a solid pathway that helped me focus on what I needed to achieve to get to my long-term vision. I started with the big picture and identifying where I wanted to go and then broke it down into 5, 2 and 1-year goals. I then learnt the art of 90 day goals which gave me focus for the week and month. Check out this video if you want to listen and there is a template in the comments.
3) Stop playing a small game
I had so much potential lurking under my hippie traveller self that spent her days throwing herself off mountains and living the adventure life... I was just afraid that I was not smart enough... but there was a sinking feeling inside that told me I had what It took. A voice that was quiet at the start and as I leaned into growth it got louder until I couldn't ignore it anymore. If you want to kick those limiting beliefs out of your mind and step into your power then a coach will ask the right questions and support you to become all you can be. I had someone do it for me.. now I am here to support you.
4) Learn about communication
We grow up in families of different dynamics and when we are stuck in our little world we don't learn that there are other ways of being, speaking and communicating. I had to learn how to speak up for myself and set clear expectations with the people around me if I was going to create the reality that I wanted. It's a never-ending game of 2 steps forward, one step back. But I decided to take responsibility for my communication. If it wasn't working for someone then I needed to change. Not them. I learnt that being more direct helped cut out the fluff and then everyone was clear about what needed to happen.
5) Valuing your price
So you go from earning $30/h and then all of a sudden the industry standard for your service is $150+! Yikes. This is a big deal because you are self-employed now and no one sets that price for you. You do! And that is a big deal because it is all based on how much you value yourself and how much value you know you can add to your clients' lives! You know your costs but what about that huge margin that is just a number pulled out of thin air? Well, I'll tell you where that goes.... It's the endless hours you spend doing marketing that you don't get paid for... its the time you spend building your website at 11 pm on a Sunday that no one sees... And finally, it's the amount that you need to have to develop your business so you can create more impact. I worked with a coach on my value and everything changed. Now you can too.
6) Time management
Not only do you need to have a clear plan but you also need boundaries. You have a finite amount of time in your week and if you keep on bending over backwards for everyone then that time becomes less and less... Next minute you haven't achieved your goals and you are stressed out and disappointed with yourself... I had to learn how to voice my needs to people and learn how to interrupt the people that would be chatting with me for hours if I didn't stop them. I had to be ok with hurting their feelings so I could get my stuff done... I had to trust that they could handle themselves and it was my responsibility to achieve my goals because then I will have more capacity to give and share the love around!
7) Network like a pro
If you don't sell your business who will? You need to develop your 'story' and learn how to articulate your product or what you do. I didn't have clarity on this at the start so I just called myself a general "Life coach" and then figured it out from there. I started experimenting with different niches and working with different people to see what felt right and then I was able to develop my current offering. I remember being so afraid at my first BNI meeting where I had to share what I did in front of 30 people (in Dutch) and the butterflies in my tummy. I had to get over that fear that told me everyone in the room was judging me. I had to learn how to lean into that feeling of not knowing anyone and rocking out anyway..
8) Comparing yourself to others
Everyone else seems to be achieving these great things and you are just in the corner there not knowing if what you are doing is working...? Well, let me tell you that no one has their shit together and everyone is on this roller coaster called life. Maybe they are 2 steps ahead of you on their business journey but I can promise you they have their own challenges... Comparing yourself to others robs you of your joy to love the journey. Love where you are at and be OK with the steps you are taking... You will feel a lot more fulfilled when you can recognise that life isn't about one huge moment but about the small steps that we take every day.
9) Developing your morning routine
Set up your day for success and top up your cup so that you can give to others.... But I wasn't always like this. I was jumping out of bed at the last minute to jump in the shower and boom I was at the computer ready for the day.... The problem was that the minute I put the laptop away in the evening I went straight to see friends and do activities and then I would arrive exhausted and flop into my bed at 10pm..... Then the cycle starts again... I'm exhausted, trying to be superhuman but finding that I felt so depleted. I couldn't be present for my clients or my family. I needed to slow down and spend time sitting, being and connecting with myself. We all have wisdom that lives in those silences. We all have more energy when we can listen to our needs. That is what a morning routine does. It provides mental space and that creates an epic foundation to be able to take on the world.
10) Valuing structure...
Chaos is all around us and we have all had different experiences in childhood that depict how much we value structure. If your parents were super routine people then you either rebelled against it or you conformed. I rebelled, (classic Dani) and decided that I NEED variety and freedom... Well, that just didn't cut the mustard. There was so much I could have avoided if I just stuck to the plan and gave everything a really good go before deciding to change... I wasted a lot of mental energy. Now I realise that you can plan to have variety in your business but you need structure and systems to make the engine run well otherwise you will be making up the processes every time you do it... Follow the system... create your structures and I promise you will gain your freedom in the end!
I trust you enjoyed this. If you know someone who would benefit from reading this then please send it to them with my blessing!