How Will Leadership Coaching Help Me To Be a Better Leader?
In school, we were not taught how to set ourselves up for business success. We were taught to paint between the lines. Leadership coaching helps you discover your why.
As coaches, we believe that you can consciously create the person that you want to be and take small and consistent actions to be able to achieve that reality. You don’t have to be born a leader to be a great one. You just need to develop the skills within you that will inspire a team to follow you. Everyone has been conditioned their whole life to believe things about themselves that define them but I believe that our journey is to rewrite these beliefs to bring us towards our desired outcomes.
For example, as a business owner, you want to have success and build a team that can do the work for you so that you can step back. For you to be able to do that there are some key developments that everyone needs to go through. You will need to know what it is that you are actually trying to achieve, learn how to set up the systems to support that and inspire people to do those roles effectively.
But what happens if you don’t know your long-term plan? What happens if you have resistance to those systems? And how will you achieve that if you are not very inspiring?….
These are 3 of the most common problems my clients come to me with. The team doesn’t know how to behave around the business owner because they don’t have clarity themselves. The team members often become lethargic and wait for someone to tell them what to do because there are no systems. Then people are micro-managed and are not encouraged to think for themselves…
Sound familiar?
It happens in so many places. The business owner doesn’t know where they want to take the business or what the real mission of the business is…. Making money isn’t going to cut it. It’s shallow and unfulfilling.
If that is you then, don’t worry! It’s not your fault.
In school, we were not taught how to set ourselves up for business success. We were taught to paint between the lines. Leadership coaching helps you discover your why. Your purpose. It helps you create a long-term plan/legacy for you that you can be proud of. This is how you move from ambition to meaning. It will energize you to keep on showing up for that core driver! Having this emotional charge will light up your eyes and give you the language you need to share with your team. Teach them why your business is operating, what your mission is and where you plan to take it. Now they can decide if they want to jump onboard that train or not. If you have a strong mission then people will want to join you. They will want to help you to achieve it.
The second point is about having the systems in place to support that. Leadership is so much more than just inspired speeches. It’s organising a movement and if you are a victim of disorganised thinking then you won’t have a team that will stick by you because the chaos will drive them away. This starts with your own systems of your life. Do you get up in the morning and have an organised routine that nourishes you and allows you to show up at work in a peak state you expect your team to be in? Remember that everything comes from the top down and if you cant get organised then you will not be attracting people to you who are.
There are multiple reasons why someone has a chaotic mind. Mostly though, it is subconscious conditioning as a result of their environment. This means that we can uncondition and recondition the mind the way that we want it to be. Some people grew up with super strict parents and rebelled against systems and tell themselves that they ‘don’t want to be too anal’…. That may be your conditioning but how is that serving your team?
Setting up the systems for success creates a clear pathway for your team to be able to do their job well. You have a system for clear expectations, a system for them to follow that is the best practice and growth conversations with them to help them progress to the next level.
And the last one, Maybe you are just not that inspiring…. Or at least you haven’t committed to being an inspiration. You have lived a humble existence and all of a sudden you now have to lead a team but your confidence is low and you don’t know how to communicate with them without hurting their feelings. Passion, curiosity, communication, confidence. These are all LEARNED skills. We start to focus on the skills needed to be the person we want to be and commit to ourselves. For some of you, it will be saying YES to YOU for the first time ever….. It will be leaving behind the family of well-meaning dream stealers and making a decision to claim your power.
That is when people get a leadership coach. Because they are ready to grow. Ready for the unknown and ready for someone outside of their ‘normal’ world to reflect back to them the person that they could be. It’s having a champion in your corner who knows that you can be anyone you want to be. It's having an empowered human who already learnt these skills to share with you their world. It’s about not having limits.
This limitless energy is what makes a great leader. It’s trusting yourself to handle the consequences and building others’ self-esteem as a result of your confidence in them.
If you want to find out where your leadership blind spots are then use this access code ZgsA0mC9Xu and jump on this LINK to the Profiling tool that will help you gain more clarity on what your action steps could be to bring you toward an even more inspired version of yourself that will lead you closer to your mission and give you meaning in life. Your team will thank you for it!