The Growth Formula
Growth is about constant and never-ending improvement so if you are trying to ‘be on top of things” then you will never get there.
There is no end goal. It's everyday actions that count.
The constant checking in of your team and being open to the opportunities can be the easiest thing to neglect when we are so 'busy’ all the time.
If you need things to be the same or find comfort in the ease of something needing to be constant, then you are setting up your team for overwhelm in the future when things need to change.
If we value this constant and never-ending improvement it is for us to adapt and keep ourselves feeling good when the shit hits the fan.
The concept of CANI (constant and never-ending improvement) came from Toyota in Japan. Every meeting they had with their team they would ask "Has anyone noticed how else we could do this better or more efficiently?"
They trained their team members to keep on looking out for things that they could bring up to add to the overall success of the company.
How do you create a culture of growth and improvement?
1) Be open to change and embrace new ideas when they come through
2) Have a company value around innovation, improvement or team contribution.
3) Have SOP's (standard operating procedures) that you are training your team to update as they are using them if they can see a better way.
4) Reward new ideas with company recognition.
5) Put the new ideas into action or SPECIFICALLY describe why the ideas would not work and thank that person anyway!
All of these small things add up to a HUGE amount of innovation and growth when you create an ENVRIONMENT of change and then let small ideas work their magic!
If you want to find more ways that you can get the best out of your team then head to to book a consultation.